Dr. Rev. Javier Escalera

Dr. Rev. Escalera has served with several NTC churches prior to his retirement in 2021.  These churches include:

  •        Casa Emanu-el
  •        Tyler Street
  •        San Juan Fellowship

He was ordained in the NTC in 2005.  He earned a Master of Divinity from Perkins School of Theology as well as his Doctor of Ministry.  

El Reverendo Escalera ha servido en varias iglesias del NTC antes de su jubilación en 2021. Estas iglesias incluyen:

• Casa Emanu-el

• Calle Tyler

• Beca San Juan

Fue ordenado en el NTC en 2005. Obtuvo una Maestría en Divinidad de la Escuela de Teología Perkins, así como su Doctorado en Ministerio.


At Agape Church we believe that administration is about people, not "business",
and that is why the church is to work through various committees and chairpersons.